
Resignation Letter

Resignation letters are important. They help convey a professional image and give you the opportunity to state why you are leaving. No company likes hearing their better employees are leaving, however they hate it more when a person simply doesn’t show up for work anymore.

Many people try and leave on the best terms possible and this is a wise choice.  You can never tell if or when your paths may cross with both the company and/or previous managers and supervisors.
Imagine going to work one day and finding out your previous boss is actually now a VIP customer of your current company?  Better still, imagine how different the scenarios will play out depending on whether you left the company on good terms or not?

If you don’t believe me, ask some friends about their experiences — and then just do it!  Write a professional resignation letter and attempt to leave on the best terms possible.  There is an example resignation letter below for your reference.


This is to inform you that an opportunity has presented
itself that will enable me to work in the area of my
stated preference, which is [designate]

I am therefore tendering my resignation from your company
and wish to advise you that [date] will be my last day
of employment.

I would like to thank you for the experience of having worked
for [name of firm] , a truly outstanding organization.


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